Úlgi:Image other

![]() | Bul úlgiden 600+ betlerde paydalanılǵan. Tájiriybe ótkeriw ushın úlgige tiyisli /qaralama yamasa /test astbetlerinen paydalanıń. Ózgerisler kirgiziwden aldın basqa paydalanıwshılar menen talqılaw usınıs etiledi. |
This is the {{image other}} meta-template.
It helps other templates detect what type of page they are on.
Basic usage
[derekti redaktorlaw]This template usually takes two parameters, like this:
{{image other | Image page text | Other pages text }}
If the template is on an image page, it will return this:
- Image page text
If the template is on any other page, it will return this:
- Other pages text
A typical usage case could be to make it so that a template only adds a category when on image pages. Thus not adding other pages that just show the template to the category. Like this:
{{image other | [[Category:Some image maintenance category]] }}
Or to warn that a template should not be used on other pages:
{{image other | | This template should only be used on image pages. }}
Note that in the first case above the "other" parameter was not used, and in the second example the "image" parameter was left empty.
Advanced usage
[derekti redaktorlaw]This template works like {{main talk other}}, see full documentation there. Note that it detects "Image talk:" pages as type other. The test parameter demospace for this template understands the values image and other.
See also
[derekti redaktorlaw]- {{main other}} – For article templates.
- {{talk other}} – For talk page templates.
- {{category other}} – For category templates.
- {{main talk other}} – Separates some namespaces.
- {{main talk category other}} – Separates some more namespaces.
- {{namespace detect}} – The extremely versatile one.
Joqarıdaǵı hújjet Úlgi:Image other/doc betinen alınǵan. Tájiriybe ótkeriw ushın qaralama hám test betinen paydalanıńız. Iltimas, kategoriyalardı hújjet betine hám interwikilerdi wikimaǵlıwmatlarǵa jaylastırıń. Usı úlginiń astbetleri. |