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Wikipedia, erkin enciklopediya
(Google Inc. degennen baǵdarlanǵan)
TarmaǵıInternet, Computer software
UranıDon't be evil
Qashan tiykar salınǵanMenlo Park, California (September 4, 1998)[1]
Aymaqlıq xızmetiWorldwide
Tiykarshı(ları)Sergey Brin
Larry Page
BaslıqlarDr. Eric E. Schmidt
(Chairman) & (CEO)
Sergey Brin
(Technology President)
Larry Page
(Products President)
Ónim(ler)iSee list of Google products
Aylanba dárámatı55.97% US$ 16.593 Billion (2007)[2]
Operacion paydası30.64% US$ 5.084 Billion (2007)[2]
Baylıǵı US$ 25.335 Billion (2007)[2]
Taza payda25.33% US$ 4.203 Billion (2007)[2]
Jumısshılar sanı20,222 - December 31, 2008[3]

Google Inc. óziniń internet tarmaǵındaǵı izlew sisteması menen ataǵı shıqqan Amerika korporatsiyası. Googleplex atalatugın bas ofisi AQShtıń California shtatınıń Mountain View qalasında jaylasqan. 2008 jıldıń 30 iyuline kelip kompaniyada 19,604 isshi jumıs alıp barmaqta.[4][5]

  1. Incorporation document. April 29, 2004. http://kepler.sos.ca.gov/corpdata/ShowAllList?QueryCorpNumber=C2119530. Retrieved 2008-09-27. 
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 „Financial Tables“. Google Investor Relations. Qaraldı: 31-yanvar 2008-jıl.
  3. „Google Announces Fourth Quarter And Fiscal Year 2008 Results“ (july 17, 2008). Qaraldı: 17-iyul 2008-jıl.
  4. Brin, Sergey; Page, Lawrence (1998). "The anatomy of a large-scale hypertextual Web search engine". Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 30 (1–7): 107–117. doi:10.1016/S0169-7552(98)00110-X. http://infolab.stanford.edu/pub/papers/google.pdf. 
  5. Barroso, L.A.; Dean, J.; Holzle, U. (April 29, 2003). "Web search for a planet: the google cluster architecture". IEEE Micro 23 (2): 22–28. doi:10.1109/mm.2003.1196112. https://semanticscholar.org/paper/8db8e53c92af2f97974707119525aa089f6ed53a. "We believe that the best price/performance tradeoff for our applications comes from fashioning a reliable computing infrastructure from clusters of unreliable commodity PCs.".