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Talqılaw:Bas bet/Archive

Basqa tillerde kórsetiw funkciyası bul bet ushın islemeydi.
Wikipedia, erkin enciklopediya

Why does the main page state that the proposal was already approved? The initial proposal has been rejected. Now is an open proposal at m:Requests for new languages/Wikipedia Karakalpak 2 with virtually no discussion activity. --Johannes Rohr 13:10, 9 February 2007 (UTC)

Verified as eligible!

[derekti redaktorlaw]

Құттықтаймын! Бірақ жұмысты тоқтатуға болмайды. Күн сайын аз болса да түзетулерді істеу керек, белсенділігі тексеріліп тұрады. ;) Тағы да қатысушыларды тарту керек, осы деңгейден төменге түспеуіміз жөн.--AlefZet 22:03, 12 January 2008 (UTC)

Hello. To facilitate steward granting of bot access, I suggest implementing the standard bot policy on this wiki. This will involve creating a redirect to this page from Project:Bot policy, and adding a line at the top noting that it is used here. In particular, this policy allows automatic acceptance of known interlanguage linking bots (if this page says that is acceptable), which form the vast majority of such requests.

Please read the text at m:Bot policy before commenting. If you object, please say so; it will be implemented in one week if there is no objection, since it is particularly written to streamline bot requests on wikis with little or no community interested in bot access requests. —Pathoschild 05:51:28, 14 İyun 2008 (UTC)

Done. Pending requests are moved to Wikipedia:Botlar. All new requests should be at this page. --AlefZet 00:29, 2008 j. iyunnin' 20 (UTC)

Қарақалпақ бауырларға қазақтардан жалынды сәлем. Жарайсыңдар, Википедияларың гүлдей берсін!

Small request

[derekti redaktorlaw]

Hello! I am a Polish wikipedian and I would like to ask you for your help - writing a new article about former Polish President who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983 – Lech Wałęsa. I have looked for his biography in your Wikipedia but without success. Polish Wikipedians will be grateful for your help. Thank you so much in advance! PS you can find the English version of the article here. Best wishes from Poland, Patrol110 18:22, 2009 j. dekabrdin' 25 (UTC)

Done. Created short article on Lech Wałęsa. Atabek 03:02, 2009 j. dekabrdin' 26 (UTC)

Turkic speaking wikipedians conference

[derekti redaktorlaw]

Salem dostar, Men Qazaq Wikipediasynyn atynan habarlasip turmin. Bizder Karasha ayinin ortasinda Tyrki tildes elderdin Wikipediashylarinin basyn kosatyn Kuryltai otkizudi oilagan edik. Ar elden kelgen qonaqtar ozderinin qalai damyp zhatqandygyn habarlap, oi bolissek. Kuryltai Almaty qalasinda otedi. Ar elden 2 adamga grant beru maselesin sheship zhatyrmiz. Eger ozderinizge qyzyq bolsa, habar berinizder!?

Qurmetpen, --Ashina 08:34, 2011 j. oktyabrdin' 7 (UTC)

Dear Friends, I am writing on behalf of Kazakh Wikipedia. We were planning to conduct an event for the Turkic speaking Wikipedians in mid of November this year. The agenda will cover discussion on small language wikipedia development, experience from other countries and etc. The meeting will be in Almaty, so we are starting the negotiotions regarding the travel grants for 2 person from each Wikipedia. If you have any ideas to discuss, don't hesitate to contact me.

Sincerely, --Ashina 08:34, 2011 j. oktyabrdin' 7 (UTC)

Шақыру Шұғыл Құрметті Қарақалпақстан Википедияшылары!!! Сіздердің Википедияны дамыту үшін жасап жатқан жұмыстарыңызға үлкен алғысымды білдіремін және еңбектеріңіз жемісті болуына тілектеспін.. Есіткен де шығарсыздар, осы сәуір, яғни 2012 жылдың апрель айының 20-21 күндері Алматы қаласында Түркі тілдес елдер Википедиашыларының конферециясы өтеді. Түркия, Әзірбайжан, Өзбекстан, Түрікменстан Саха, Татарстан т.б. түркі тілдес елдерден делегаттар қатысуға ниет етіп отыр. Конференцияға сіздердің де қатысуларыңызды өтінеміз. Қарақалпақ википедиасы атынан қатысуға ықылас білдіретін адамдар болса, ұсынысын қуана қабыл аламыз. Ондай жағдайда қазақ Википедиасының әкімшілеріне тезірек хабарласуыңызды өтінеміз. Уақыттан ұтылып, кеш қалмауларыңызды сұраймыз.--Serik Zholdas (talk) 05:32, 2012 j. apreldin' 13 (UTC)

Basi'nan baslap

[derekti redaktorlaw]

Uli'wma basi'nan baslap qaraqalpaqsha wiki-di wo'zgertip shi'g'i'w kerek

Zəhmət olmasa bizi də artırın. Təşəkkürlər--Koroğlu (талқылауы) 09:58, 2015 j. avgusttın' 16 (UTC)

Karakalpak transliterator

[derekti redaktorlaw]

There is ready update of Karakalpak alphabet converters. Can be used by people to convert texts from Cyrillic to Latin and back, as well as to convert between old and new Latin alphabet. Can be implemented into wiki as well. Source code is freely available. Feedback (report of mistakes) is wecomed.

--Kprwiki (талқылауы) 15:05, 2016 j. iyuldin' 3 (UTC)

This page (Bas bet) uses a hardcoded "9pt" font size in a few different places, including two large sections of content near the top. Hardcoding font sizes like this is almost never a good idea, and 9pt is way too small for many users. (And BTW, using page zooming to fix the issue is problematic, since most of the text on the page is actually not tiny.) Unfortunately, the relevant pages (including transcluded content) are all protected from editing by normal users, and the wiki's sole admin hasn't edited this wiki since May 2015. So, I've started work on a redesigned Main Page (just "cleaning up" what's already being shown) at Bas bet/Nyu (sorry if that's not a good title — I don't know Karakalpak). Other users are invited to contribute… - dcljr (талқылауы) 21:10, 2017 j. iyuldin' 7 (UTC)

kaa.wikipediya.org adminstratorlarına usınıs

[derekti redaktorlaw]

Haqıyqattanda qaraqalpaqsha wikipediyanı qayta jaratıw kerek. Qaraqalpaqsha wiki tolıǵı menen qaraqalpaqsha bolıwı kerek, jáne ol qaraqalpaq álipbesiniń jańa variantına tiykarlansa maqsetke muwapıq bolar edi. — the preceding unsigned comment was made by Joldasbaev Nurali Bayrambay uli on 18 March 2018‎.

Qayta jaratıw kerek emes. Wiki kóbinese qaraqalpaqsha, qazaqsha shıǵıp turǵanlar bular qaraqalpaq tiline awdarılmay qalǵan xabarlar, eger olardı awdarıp shıqsa, óz ornına túsedi. Taza álipbege ótiw máselesine kelsek, eski maqalalardı menińshe avtomat ótkiziwge boladı, botlar járdeminde. Qarahat (талқылауы) 10:59, 2018 j. marttın' 19 (UTC)
Knopkalarda, jaziwlarda ko'p qa'teler bar. Mi'sal ushi'n, "Betti bastaw" ornina "Betti baslaw" boli'wi' kerek. Qalay o'zgeris kiritsek boladi'? Censor2005 (талқылауы) 04:20, 2022 j. avgusttın' 1 (UTC)